
Tag: technology

Madrid Half Marathon Has Participants Wear Trackim...

With the influx of fitness trends comes the rise of running events. And in Madrid, Spain, this is evidenced by the increase in the number of marathons around the city. But it looks like organizers, although managing different events, are […]


[:en]7 Reasons to Buy LED Lights[:pt]7 razões par...

[:en]LED light bulbs are everywhere today, from streets to homes to offices. They do not only allow people to save money, but they offer some other incredible benefits as well. Various reports suggest that LED lights help save $20 billion […]


Watching Out for Fourth of July Traffic

At a time when Americans are expected to put down the remote control and hit the road to celebrate the Fourth of July weekend with friends and family, heavy traffic is to be expected. According to Auto Club American Automobile […]


Bluetooth Shoes: The Footwear Especially Designed ...

With around 300 million people in the world with little to no sight at all, it’s incredible to know that there aren’t many tools available to make their everyday life easier. But thanks to the recent technology developed by Anirudh Sharma, […]


4 Ways to Make Sure Your Workers Are Actually Work...

In any business, a decline in employee productivity should not be ignored. If you feel that your worker’s motivation is winding down, you should find ways to ensure workers productivity. First, you have to identify the factors that cause it. Once identified, mitigate […]


Trackimo App Version 3 Update

We at Trackimo strive in doing the best we can to help improve your experience with your devices. Because of this, we made some changes regarding the Trackimo App on your phone and dashboard. Version 3 Updates The following are […]


Receiving Important GPS Tracker Updates via Mobile...

GPS tracker updates can now be accessed through mobile phones. This is a proof that mobile phones have dramatically evolved in the past years both physically and functionally. What was originally a tool used for texting and calling can now […]