Category: Drone

Discovering Long Lost Civilizations with Drones

In the Mexican desert, there are remnants of a Pueblo society that once flourished centuries ago. An archaeologist by the name of John Kantner from the University of North Florida has been working on the red sands for about 20 […]


Concerned Owner Spreads Fliers for Missing Drone

A drone enthusiast who could not find his unmanned aerial device anymore after somehow falling of his grid has resorted to help from the general public by putting up missing drone fliers to help locate it faster. This was seen before in […]


Repercussions for Senator Jim Inhofe for Downed Dr...

A group based in Illinois, which is referred to as SHARK (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness), announced on their press conference that United States senator Jim Inhofe would be held responsible for a drone shot down on September 11, 2015. […]


Drones Flying into Prisons Trying to Smuggle Contr...

In just six months, several remote-controlled drones have crash-landed within jail premises, which have sparked off concerns that they might be smuggling things into the prison. Jail experts have expressed concerns that these drones have been used to smuggle in […]


How Drones Are Working to Prevent Hurting Wildlife

Over the past few years, drone usage has been on the rise in the protection of animals to prevent hurting wildlife around the world. An American dentist who became a subject of disdain from lovers of wildlife for shooting Zimbabwe’s beloved lion […]


What You Need to Know About the DJI F550 Hexacopte...

DJI has another drone product, the DJI F550 Hexacopter, also known as the Flame Wheel, which is different from the other DJI-made drones. For the reason that unlike the previous DJI products, which are all ready-to-fly drones, the DJI F550 hexacopter will […]