GPS Tracker Helps Police Catch Truck, Cargo Thieve...

In a report from Travelers Insurance and FreightWatch International, it says that cargo theft during holiday weekends in the US is much higher by 40 percent. Scott Cornell, a transportation crime and theft specialist at Travelers, offered tips to shippers and carriers […]


What You Need to Know About Cold Chain Logistics M...

When it comes to logistics, the cold chain is particularly demanding. Cold chain products such as fresh foods, vaccines, serums, and the like are temperature-sensitive, so they require constant temperature starting from the time they are produced until they’re used. It is essential not […]


4 Ways to Make Sure Your Workers Are Actually Work...

In any business, a decline in employee productivity should not be ignored. If you feel that your worker’s motivation is winding down, you should find ways to ensure workers productivity. First, you have to identify the factors that cause it. Once identified, mitigate […]


Monitoring Government Vehicles with GPS

With the growing population comes the need for the local government to have more vehicles to serve the public better. But like everything, it’s easier said than done. Acquiring additional government vehicles to be used for sanitation department or the […]


Government Funding for GPS Tracking for Autistic K...

Autistic Kids GPS Tracking may soon be available in Utah, through The Byrne Grant Program, a program that supports the federal government’s campaign on crime control and prevention. If this gets pushed through, it would benefit parents with autistic children. […]


Trackimo App Version 3 Update

We at Trackimo strive in doing the best we can to help improve your experience with your devices. Because of this, we made some changes regarding the Trackimo App on your phone and dashboard. Version 3 Updates The following are […]


GPS Technology as a Tool for Courier Tracking

Being in a delivery business means you own a fleet of delivery trucks or courier vehicles. Apart from dispatching multiple vehicles at a time, you also have to monitor your fleet of courier vehicles all the time. Managing and maintaining […]