
Tag: family

GPS Tracking for Children with Disabilities

Autism, Down syndrome, and other cognitive disabilities make communication and understanding difficult for those affected. Among the problems parents of special needs children around the globe encounter are slowed speech, difficulties with expressing and language, and poor social skills. Because of […]


Teenage Driving: How Much Does It Really Cost?

Having a teenager on the road is more expensive than you would realize.  Sure, there’s the extra cost for the car, gasoline, and even upkeep; but more than that, consider some of these facts: Scroll down for video Teenagers pose […]


Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Dise...

Dementia comes with age, and memory loss that is bad enough to disrupt everyday life should be given proper attention. Alzheimer’s disease symptoms affect the brain and can cause a slow decline in memory, thinking, and reasoning skills. Alzheimer’s disease […]


Using Tracking Devices to Keep Disabled Loved Ones...

Most people with disabilities are often left fending for themselves, whether their loved ones have work or children to take care of. Most of the time, people think of them as an afterthought instead of the priority. When disaster strikes, there […]


Ways to Handle Kid-Sickness When Your Child Goes t...

During summer, millions of kids will be going to camp. Attending camp helps children develop their skills. They will also get to experience being independent. And it’s normal especially for first-timers—for both parent and child—to feel separation anxiety. But there’s no […]


How You Can Keep an Eye on Your Teen Driver Even f...

Cars have evolved greatly since the last decade. They have become faster, smarter, and safer—resulting in a decline in collision-related casualties by 25% in the United States. But for teenage drivers, the statistics remain the same. The risk is still as high […]


Can You Trust Your Family Driver with Your Car?

When you are constantly on the go, with appointments in one place to another—school, work, errands—it makes sense to appoint a car driver to do the things that you can’t catch up on. This is why many car owners appoint […]


10 Tips to Help Prepare Your Child for Summer Camp

Camp is a good and intense experience for children to advance their cognitive and social skills and spread their own wings. While at the camp, children will be given new routines different from what they do in school or at home and […]