Bluetooth Trackers vs GPS Trackers

With location tracking technology now quickly advancing, smart trackers are now available in different shapes and sizes with a variety of features. Now if you’re thinking of getting yourself one to protect your loved ones, pets, or possessions, which do you think is best for you? Bluetooth Trackers vs GPS Trackers.

Bluetooth Trackers vs GPS Trackers: Which Is Better?

Bluetooth trackers

Bluetooth trackers have been around for the past few years. If you lose your keys often, this is for you. These little devices are often mistaken for GPS tracking devices, but they do not use GPS at all. If you are out of the range or if your dog chases a squirrel into town, with Bluetooth trackers, you’ll be out of luck. Bluetooth trackers communicate both ways, and the system only becomes more powerful if you have more than one tag. As long as you have access to one tag, you can use that tag to find the primary device, which is your phone, and then use it to locate the other tags. It’s unusual to lose your keys, sunglasses, and phone at the same time. The most useful feature of a Bluetooth locator is that it warns you with a notification on your phone if you leave a tagged object behind.

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Bluetooth Tracker


  • If you set up a network of tags on your remote, keys, dog, or purse, then you would be able to find all these. Additional devices synced with the tags should also allow your family to find the keys or TV remote fairly quickly.
  • Between Bluetooth trackers vs GPS trackers, it is the former that are relatively cheap and cost between $10 and $50, with no additional monthly fees attached.
  • Most Bluetooth trackers require very little power. The battery lasts about a year and will need to be replaced after that.
  • Bluetooth trackers can be as small as a coin and as thin as a credit card. The idea is that they can keep track of your keys or wallet without adding any extra bulk to your daily necessities.


  • In order to find all of your devices, you would have to purchase several tags, which could be expensive.
  • It operates in a much lower area than GPS. It only has a maximum range of 200 feet because they depend on the strength of the Bluetooth signal between the tracker and your device. It is only good for locating objects lost inside your house like under a bed or hidden underneath your sofa. Thus this would not be ideal for locating a child lost on their way home after school.
  • The tracker’s battery may last long, but Bluetooth is definitely not the most battery-friendly mode for your phone. Having it on all the time will quickly drain your phone’s battery.
  • You can only set geofences within the range capability of your tracker.

GPS trackers

GPS trackers, on the other hand, have unlimited range, and they are able to track the location of an object anywhere on the planet where GPS signals are available. Between Bluetooth trackers vs GPS trackers, it is the latter that link with at least 4 different satellites to calculate the real-time location of an object, upload the location data via cellular signals, and display the location to the user via an app or software. To calculate the location of an object, GPS devices require a clear view of the sky to communicate with the GPS satellites.

GPS Tracker


  • GPS trackers maintain a constant connection and can provide an updated location at any time.
  • GPS trackers allow you to set up multiple areas where you receive a notification about your tracker’s activity through geofences. If the object goes out of the geofence, you will be alerted through email or SMS.
  • Your loved ones can send an SOS signal containing their exact location along with regular updates so you can find them in case of emergencies.
  • You may choose to be notified with move alerts and speed alerts.
  • You can keep the complete device path history for up to 5 years.


  • GPS trackers cost $50 up and have an added monthly subscription fee where the cost can vary depending on what coverage plan you need.
  • GPS trackers have substantial power consumption, but most are rechargeable and will last for one to three days. This depends on the model you purchased.
  • GPS trackers are bulkier in size. With more tech and options for recharging inside, more space is needed to accommodate everything. The smallest ones are close to a car key in size, and they are also a bit heavier.


So here’s the verdict regarding the fight between Bluetooth trackers vs GPS trackers. Since Bluetooth trackers are cheaper and they promise that you’ll never lose your stuff again, they have become quite popular. But the fact is they just can’t replace standard GPS trackers, especially if you want to secure valuable items like your car, your travel bag, an expensive DSLR camera, or a drone. Bluetooth can’t protect your loved ones and furry best friends as well. They are basically key locators, or at least many of them are sold specifically for finding lost keys.

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