
Tag: vehicle

GPS Monitoring for Cars: Do You Need One?

GPS monitoring for cars can be expensive, and many people with superb map skills believe that they don’t really need one in order to navigate daily. However, there are some uses of GPS that could be more than just for […]


GPS Helps Uncover Bike Theft Operations

Bikes are among the most common vehicles to get stolen by thieves; they are swiped off bike stands and front porches, sneaked out of a person’s garage, and some even go as far as stealing them out of vehicles. Bike […]


Benefits of GPS Tracking for Electric Bikes

There is a reason why bike theft is thriving in the United States or even in other parts of the world: perpetrators are usually left unpunished, which just encourages bad people to get involved in this kind of illegal activity. Many […]


Noteworthy Ways GPS Tracking Is Helping Monitor Sp...

Sports cars, regardless of type, an Aston Martin, a Porsche Panamera, a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, or a Dodge Viper, are not only magnificent to look at, they are also powerful performance-wise, not to mention luxurious. Whether it’s classic or […]


Dos and Don’ts to Prevent Bike Theft

It’s almost summer, and it’s time for us to enjoy the warm weather. Some of you may like to have fun soaking in the beach, but the others who prefer to hit the trail with their bikes may want to […]


Thieves Steal Motorcycle in Broad Daylight

To ride a motorcycle is truly enjoyable. What more if you own one! But owning a motorcycle is not easy as your two-wheeled ride is easier to steal than regular automobiles. Therefore, other than a lock, you need extra safety devices to […]