Hunters love a challenge, but is there ever a time when Big Game really is too big?
One of nature’s most fearsome predators is the bear. Master of its domain, imposingly large and strong, and a crafty opponent, bears test the mettle of even the most experienced hunters. For those of us too timid to ever take on such a formidable opponent, we can still experience the thrill from bear hunt videos shared by hunters intent on capturing the most dramatic moments of their time in the bush.
(Be warned. These videos contain some brief graphic content.)
Best Bear Hunt Videos on the Internet
The Grizzly Bears Got Lucky
Tim Wells, a bow hunter, sets out on a journey deep in the forest hunting a grizzly bear with nothing but a spear. Walking miles and staying up from dawn till dusk, Tim records his close encounters with bears. In the video, you can see Tim as he spots a bear moving along the tree line, but as he closes the distance, the bear smells him at the last second. He then creeps under big rocks as a bear moves just above him and the cameraman. He readies while the grizzly bear circles the bait. But to Tim’s frustration, he fails to catch any grizz.
The Hunter Got Hunted
A man tries to hide in the swamps with his camera and a set of bow and arrow. From a distance, he sees a black bear sniffing around. He growls to get the bear’s attention and succeeds on his intent. Yet the bear sprints toward him, and the man shouts in fear. Unbelievably, the hunter was only left bruised from the whole thing.
Hard Work Paid Off
One of the most thrilling bear hunt videos to date, this footage shows Mike Boone setting traps around the forest while revealing he’s exhausted all of his resources for the past three months. Mike hides above a tree post and arrows a bear from a distance. Bleeding from the shot, the black bear runs off, and Mike then follows its tracks. He finds the bear dead and records the momentous catch, which was actually his first.
Pretty Close but Not Enough
A man wearing a camo shirt and jeans holds his arrow against an approaching gigantic brown bear. Caught in the footage, he shouts as the bear approaches and its nose touches the tip of the man’s arrow. Probably shocked and afraid, the man acts a little too late, throwing an arrow only when the bear is already three yards away. He tries to shoot again only to scare away the bear and fails his expedition in bear hunting.
Before you head to the great outdoors for your hunt, to prevent hunting gear from being lost add a GPS tracker to your equipment list. Small, economical, and easy to use, GPS trackers like Trackimo can be secured inside just about any piece of hunting equipment, allowing you to know where it is at all times. That simple bit of forethought makes sure your focus will be on hunting and not on worrying whether your equipment is safe.