A woman from Johannesburg had been left heartbroken because of her lost pet, a Yorkshire terrier. But Doreth le Roux, who hails from Bloemfontein, has not lost hope after the disappearance of her beloved dog Lienkie even when six months had already passed since it went missing. So in a desperate bid to bring Lienkie home safely, Le Roux consulted a psychic to locate lost pet.
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During her interview with local news channel New24, Le Roux stated that Lienkie had been under the watchful eye of her helper when she escaped. But despite securing the house’s backyard, the domestic worker forgot to close the window, allowing the little Yorkie to escape. Since then, Le Roux has exerted all of her efforts just to manually track her pet but to no avail.
“I had scoured the streets looking for her. I was crying walking the streets,” she lamented.
The Hiring of Psychic to Locate Lost Pet
Desperate for a lead, Le Roux turned to an animal psychic to locate lost pet despite being a nonbeliever of the paranormal herself.
“I was initially contacted by a cat medium. She told me that a dog’s energy is lower than a cat,” she recalled. “So she was limited in how she could assist.”
Tammy De Oliveira, a local animal psychic based in KwaZulu-Natal, offered to contact Lienkie after she noticed Le Roux’s post about her missing pet on Facebook. The two later met, and De Oliveira provided the distraught owner on some insight surrounding the whereabouts of her beloved dog.
Luckily, De Oliveira had good news to deliver as it turned out that Lienkie herself confirmed that she was safe with a well-meaning family.
“Tammy said Lienkie wanted to go out and explore,” Le Roux said. “It was because I babied her. She has a big spirit and wanted to explore.” She added that De Oliveira saw that Lienkie was now with a family of four, but the Yorkie was also looking forward to returning home to her rightful owner.
De Oliveira allegedly made contact with Lienkie for a total of four times, and on each occasion, the dog psychic had provided a number of details including how the parents took their children to school and the routes they took when they strolled around the city.
Le Roux is now making it her personal mission to contact the family by posting more ads in the local newspaper. “She wants to be found. I want to tell the people who have her just to bring her back. I won’t get angry or anything. I just want my puppy back.”
Animal Communication
The use of psychic to locate lost pet seems absurd as the bond between man and animals has always been a subject of debate, with many skeptics criticizing the practice to be nothing but intentional trickery or an act of self-delusion. But for De Oliveira, it’s something that she has been proudly doing for eight years now.
De Oliveira added that the key for psychic to locate lost pet is through communicating on a spiritual level. “Many people do not realize that animals also have souls. They have their own journeys. They go missing for a variety of reasons. Lots of animals know where they are but leave their homes for a particular reason. Sometimes, like us, they just get bored. They need adventure and stimulation.”

Recovering Lost Pets
If you happen to be on the edge about contacting a psychic to locate lost pet, then don’t worry, there are many ways to prevent and find lost pets out there.
First off, you have to realize why animals tend to leave the comfort of their home in the first place. The most common reason pets run away is that they view every open exit as an opportunity to get out. Animals do not have the same way of thinking as humans and will most likely get dazed and confused once they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment. So in line with that, it is always important to prepare a plan B in case your pet goes missing.
GPS-guided pet trackers are good investment, and it has been proven by many users. Devices such as Trackimo pet tracking device consist of a sophisticated GSM module, GPS antenna, and long-lasting battery. This makes it possible for owners to track down their pets with their mobile devices using 3G technology.
On the other hand, pet owners need to make sure that their pets are microchipped. Microchips make it easier for vets and those working in animal shelters to identify found pets. Together with a GPS tracking device, a microchip increases the chance of recovery of lost pet.
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