Here’s How GPS Tracking Can Give Users Peace...

For many, GPS technology is a practical tool that people can use to provide them direction to get from one place to another. But in reality, the technology is capable of doing more than that. When the right personal GPS […]


How GPS Trackers Provide Protection for Fleet Driv...

Keeping fleet drivers safe on the road is important in the fleet business. Based on the statistics provided by the National Safety Council, there were 2.2 million people reported as injured while 19,100 people turned up dead last year due to road accidents. […]


How to Choose the Best GPS Fleet Tracking System

There is a reason why GPS trackers have proliferated in various industries. The device is a good investment as it can greatly contribute to the success of any business. Depending on the type of GPS fleet tracker you will use, the […]


Happy Customers and More Bottom Line with GPS Trac...

Happy customers mean a successful business. Do you know why? If treated right, they could be your biggest endorsers. Oftentimes, they share their impression on the product or your company to their friends and relatives. Your business thrives because of them. […]


Save Your Life with SPOT!

When you are out in a remote wilderness for an outdoor adventure or traveling to a new place, you should always be ready for the unexpected. What if you or your hiking buddy falls down in a ravine or gets […]


GPS Technology and Fuel Card Purchase Integration

Taking one of the largest parts of overhead expenses of a fleet company is fuel. If you can find a way to reduce your fleet’s fuel expenses, it would be a huge savings for your company. Fortunately, fuel consumption control […]


3 Main Ways GPS Tracking Is Helping Businesses

GPS tracking technology has been making a wave in the business industry as an effective tool for managers in efficiently managing their business. While some company owners have long realized that the GPS tracking system is well worth of their investment, […]


GPS Device Helps Police Catch Cough Syrup Thieves

GPS tracking has been commonly used in monitoring cargo packages, vehicles, and many others. But in a report from the LA Times, it is the first time that the technology is used for pharmaceutical theft tracking in Tustin, California. According to […]