Drones have been here for a while now and people find use for them daily, other than the military purpose for which it was initially created. Right now, looking for such applications has led to the discovery that in the near future, drones might just be engineered to look for that bird that is disturbing you from the roof of your building, especially when you work from or live in a high rise or probably use drones for pest control in your home.
MITIE and The Use of Drones for Pest Control
Since it is no news that pests are disturbance to our daily lives and we would do almost anything to get rid of them. MITIE has sought to help out those that conduct their business out of skyscrapers and other tall building by providing just the easy way to fish out and eliminate threats of pests — a highly laudable venture at that.
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The company has made it known that their specially equipped drones for pest control would be able to scan buildings that are up to 400ft tall while not requiring the need for additional specialist equipment. Using thermal sensors, these drones will run an inspection on target buildings and help determine the presence of pests. Also, in a bid to reduce the amount of bodies that might be needed to investigate the drone’s findings, data acquired during inspecting can be easily sent to a tablet or any other smartphone for processing. On a side note, they may use a GPS tracking device for drones for monitoring purposes as well.
MITIE is a brand that is well known and has become a household name when it comes to providing services that include energy, facilities and power management for companies both in the private and public sectors and also offer cleaning, security, and landscaping services. Because of this, they have had a lot of time on their hands to test out the drone technology in the inspection and control of pests from and right now, they are looking to expand the scope of the services they offer. Aside from the pest inspection and control, MITIE also plans to use their drones to insect building damages, check security, carry out aerial mappings to better their landscaping ideas and also determine whether a building is due for cleaning.
The managing director at MITIE’s pest control center, Peter Trotman said “Drone technology is great innovation which increases our safety when working at height and it also offers both cost and time efficiencies compared to traditional surveying methods”.
Other companies in on the act.

Global News
MITIE is not alone in this new business venture, though it is reported that other companies that also specialize in the pest control business have tried something of the sort, with some going as far as making their drones look like birds of prey which would help to scatter the smaller birds away. Drone tech also found other uses with commercial giants such as Amazon, Royal Mail and the DHL, planning start making use of these drones to deliver packages to respective owners and buyers. Oil and gas exploration company, Shell, is also looking at how it can make use of these drones to effectively check on and gather data from energy plants, which are difficult to reach.
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