Now that virtually everyone seems to have a cell phone, it can be said that there are more photographers in the world than ever before. However, if you wish to progress beyond those basic iPhone snaps into something more artistic, you can explore the broader world of photography. From the beauty of nature to the unique qualities of your fellow human beings, there are so many things that you can capture and preserve as a dedicated photographer. There are some steps to take and equipment to purchase before you can get started in your new hobby.
Photography 101: A Beginner’s Guide
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Take a Course

It is perfectly acceptable to learn a new hobby as you go, but taking a photography course can be a major aid in helping you acquire the craft. An instructor will teach you such basics as how a digital camera works, how to use the camera’s manual settings, the importance of composition and printing your photos.
While they are becoming increasingly scarce, there remain a few experts who can even instruct you in the dying art of celluloid photography. There may be a charge for courses, but some are available for free and others are even offered online. While you are looking for the latter, also keep an eye out for message boards run by photography enthusiasts as they can be a wonderful resource.
Choosing Your Camera

Shibusa Studio
That camera in your phone requires you to do little more than point and click. Producing higher end photography requires a more sophisticated camera with extra options. You will learn more about the specific details in due course, but in short, you need to think about what you can afford and what kind of pictures you want to take. The more megapixels a camera has, the better the quality of the image, so that is definite consideration if you wish to take pictures containing a great amount of detail and color.
Also, if you wish to progress beyond a simple point and shoot model and produce truly high grade imagery, you need to look at Single Lens Reflex models. SLR cameras offer more lens and filter options, but also require much more of an effort on the part of the owner when it comes to operation. These cameras are also bulkier, so you may need to also invest in a camera bag.
Study your Owner’s Manual

Cell code
Once you’ve decided upon your camera, think about what you learned in the course. When taking pictures, you will now need to consider such things as aperture and shutter priority, as well as the white balance. If you have not taken a course, you can learn from the instruction manual and through the test and experiment method. Try taking type of photographs you wish to concentrate on and vary the camera’s settings. Based on the results, you can have a good idea of how to set your camera the next time you wish to take such pictures.
Learn How to Edit your Photos

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Sometimes it is not possible to have ideal conditions when taking photos, but editing can help to correct many problems. Issues such as color and brightness levels, blemishes and other facial flaws can be eliminated with little effort.
Photoshop is the best known of these programs and offers all kinds of inventive ways to improve or otherwise alter the images you create. It may seem daunting at first, but the intricacies of Photoshop can be learned and there are a number of online articles and video tips available to help you.
If you find yourself experiencing creative fulfillment from using your camera phone, think about going to the next level and purchasing a separate digital camera. In doing so, you will be able to create much higher quality images and have many more options as far as lenses and exposures go.
In getting started, do some research on what camera would be right for you and your budget, and learn as much as you can about how it works and how you can be your own photo editor. The result will be great pictures and many wonderful memories. With the money you will put out on equipment, an inexpensive GPS Tracker in your equipment bag or camera case wouldn’t be a bad idea either.
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