Avoiding Drowsy Driving for Employee Safety

In a recent survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, it was found that nearly half of drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel at some point. About 40 percent of drivers have fallen asleep while driving, 17 percent […]


Guide to Using GPS Tracking While Hiking

Before cartographers had the technology to create virtual maps similar to that of Google, people navigated the world by following the position of the sun and the northern star. Afterward, they learned to use the compass and the astrolabe. As […]


Saving Money on Your Business with GPS Tracking Sy...

As a business owner, you will no longer need to worry about the costs of running your daily operations. As you can effectively track your business vehicles in real time, saving money with GPS monitoring system is now possible. While GPS tracking is […]


Tips for New Owners: When You Should Buy Drones

If you’re an amateur drone photographer who isn’t sure which brand to invest in yet, you may want to put off your shopping until better deals come. Whether you’re looking to get a drone upgrade or inclined to start a […]


Using GPS Pet Monitoring System as Anti-Escape Dev...

Ordinarily, pets are cute, cuddly creatures that make great additions on your couch. However, if your furball is an escape artist who likes traveling cross-country, you may want to consider using GPS pet monitoring system to keep a closer eye on […]


How GPS Helps Police Force Daily

Police departments have now adopted the use of GPS technology for surveillance and other purposes. This is an effort to improve their performance and reduce expenses, at the same time maximizing their resources. Tracking devices help police departments by providing them with real-time […]


How You Can Help Keep Your Teen Safe This Holiday ...

The holiday season is officially here, which means it’s time for people to tap into their inner social butterfly and attend celebration after celebration. For teenagers, holiday parties are a great way to celebrate friendships and the vibrant spirit of […]