Registration/Login flow

To start working with your trackers using your mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play(depending on the operating system of your device) and download the Trackimo+ app.

As you download the app and open it for the first time you can either Login to your existing Trackimo+ account or create a new one.

To create new account:
  1. Open Trackimo+ app on your mobile device;
  2. Click on Signup button;
  3. Fill out all fields(your First and Last name, email address; phone number and password);
  4. Click on Signup button;
  5. Go to the mailbox you have registered with and confirm your email address.
In order to log in your existing Trackimo+ account:
  1. Open Trackimo+ app on your mobile device;
  2. Use the email address you have registered with and password in respective fields;
  3. (Optional) Enable "Keep me logged in" toggle;
  4. Click on Login button.