Social Influencer Terms & Conditions

Trackimo believes in full, fair and effective disclosures of material facts relating to Influencer’s relationship with Trackimo in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Guides Concerning Endorsements and Testimonials. As such, Trackimo requires that all Influencers adhere to the following guidelines (the “Guidelines”) when blogging, tweeting, posting on social media or otherwise publishing content about its Client’s products.

The Social Influencer Terms & Conditions (the “Agreement”) shall outline the mutual understanding of the Trackimo (the “Brand”) and the (the “Influencer”, and together, the “Parties”). The Parties hereto agree as follows:

Offer: The offer includes all the information agreed upon by the Parties and shall become part of this Agreement (the Brand and the Influencer), and is outlined as follows:

  • One (1) complimentary product sent by the Brand to the Influencer for as long as the Parties shall agree.
  • The Influencer shall wear or demonstrate the product sent to the Influencer by the Brand on Instagram, Facebook, and/or YouTube video created and published by the Influencer, at least 3 times over the course of a month upon receiving the product.
  • The Influencer shall publish at least three (3) posts for the complementary product on the Influencer’s social media channels including, Instagram or Facebook, over the course of one (1) month.
  • Influencer is required to post at least 3 posts or video on Facebook and/or Instagram, and/or YouTube, with a link to the Trackimo website. Each post should be labelled with the hashtags #Trackimo and #TrackimoAlwaysThere, a tag on the Brand’s official pages is also necessary. For the Brand’s account, use the handle @Trackimo.

Effective Date: This Agreement is entered into as of the date the Offer is accepted, signed and submitted by the Influencer (the “Effective Date”).

  1. Disclose Connection to Brand – When reviewing and posting about Brand’s products or services, Influencer must clearly disclose its “material connection” with Brand, including the fact that Influencer was afforded any consideration or was provided with certain experiences. “Material connections” may be defined as any connection between an Influencer and a marketer that could affect the credibility consumers give to that Influencer’s statements. Important examples of “material connections” include benefits or incentives, such as free products or services, or in-kind gifts provided by a marketer to an Influencer.
  2. Respect Intellectual Property Rights – Intellectual Property is the group of legal rights to works that people create or invent. Intellectual property rights typically include copyright, trademark, and trade secret rights, as well as the right to use someone’s name, likeness or voice. Examples include photographs, videos, music, trademarks/ logos, personal names/likenesses (including celebrities’ names/likenesses), and writings. Influencer should never post or share any content that violates or infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party. If Influencer is unsure about a work, particularly in instances where a work includes a third-party’s trademark/logo, or music, film or television clips, or a celebrity’s name, photo or image, Influencer should check with Trackimo or Client before using the work. A good rule of thumb is, if in doubt, do not post it.
  3. Comply with other policies and laws – Influencer should comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, as well as the terms, conditions, guidelines and policies of any social media platform or service that Influencer uses in connection with the services provided by Influencer.

If Influencer is in agreement with the terms and conditions of these Guidelines, then Influencer should sign below and send back to Trackimo.


    By clicking the “Submit” button below, I agree that I have read, I understand, and agree to be bound by this Agreement and its terms and conditions.