2.1. App login

To start working with your trackers using your mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play(depending on the OS of your device) and download the Trackimo + app.

As you download the app and open it for the first time you can either Login to the existing account or create a new one:

2.2. Dashboard Overview

As you open the app, you will see 4 major tabs:

  • Devices;
  • Places;
  • Notifications;
  • Account.

2.3. Device Location Information

There are to ways to find out where your tracker currently is:

1. Go to the Devices tab on the app – the address of the device location will be shown under the device’s name. Tapping on the app will open detailed information about the device and its location.

2. Tap on the device icon on the app – this will open the device’s information with its current location.

2.4. Update Device Location

Tapping on the Update location icon on the main Devices tab will refresh the location for all the devices in your account.

Tapping this icon from the specific device information tab will only refresh the location of the respective device.

2.5. Device Tracking Mode

From the device information tab you can adjust the Tracking mode of your device.

You will have the following options:

Power Saving — Location will be updated every 4 hours;
Everyday — Location updates every 1 hour;
Custom — You can set the custom frequency of the location update;
Off — Location doesn’t update until the setting’s changed;
Sleep — You can set the sleep mode period, this will stop tracking within a specific time range. This parameter can also be set for one day or for everyday.

2.6. Device History

As you select the period of the history you want to see(as a time frame or specific date range), the device history will be displayed on the map as a path of your device.The map displays history with the directions of your device moving.

2.7. Device Notifications and Settings

As you tap on the device name on the Devices tab, you will see the location of the tracker. There’s also a Settings button in this tab.

2.8. Manage subscription renewal

At the bottom of the Settings tab there’s the Subscriptions section. Tapping on it will bring you to the information about current subscription activated for the device:

2.9. Geofences

A geofence is a virtual fence (a rectangle around a certain location) that you can set using the Trackimo dashboard both on desktop and Mobile app. When the device crosses the virtual fence, you will receive an email notification message with information of the time the device has crossed the virtual fence and a push notification to the app in case you have the relevant toggle enabled.