Category: GPS Tracking

Trackimo: The Best GPS Tracker for Your Drones

Flyaway drones are a nightmare for drone owners around the world. The worst part is that they can happen at any time. According to the Wall Street Journal, 30% of drone owners experienced flyaway. Preventing drones from flying away may […]


Different GPS Tracking Devices and What They Are F...

Global positioning system (GPS) is a navigation system that makes use of 24 orbiting satellites put up by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally exclusive for military use but was eventually introduced to the public during the late […]


The Different Uses of SIM Cards in GPS Tracking De...

Global positioning systems (GPS) don’t need a subscriber information module (SIM) cards, but they are used to assign subscriber information to a global system for mobile (GSM) communication cellular account. How GPS sim card uses to interact with a cellular network […]


Trackimo TRMK002 and Why It’s the Best GPS T...

If you’re looking for the best tracking device for your drone on the market right now, we would say the Trackimo TRMK002 GPS tracking and locator device. Why? For one thing, it gives accurate location information and has excellent battery life. […]


Trackimo Micro GPS Real-Time Tracker

The evolution of GPS tracking continues with the Trackimo Real-Time Micro GPS Tracker. The device is handy, with its 1.8 x 1.6 x 0.7 -inch dimensions, making it one of the smallest tracking devices on the market. It also includes a one […]


How to Stop GPS Tracking

GPS trackers are useful in tracking the location of a vehicle, and currently, there are two types of such trackers that are available for public use: logger and real-time tracking systems. A logger tracking system keeps up with all the locations […]


GPS Tracking Systems Help Senior Drivers

It is not uncommon to see tragic car accidents in the news nowadays. The majority of them are caused by the very young and the very old. The elderly may not be viewed as a threat as much as their younger counterparts, […]